Triple X Syndrome – Symptoms, Pictures, Treatment, Life Expectancy

What is Triple X Syndrome?

Triple X Syndrome is also known as triplo-X, XXX syndrome, 47, XXX aneuploidy or Trisomy X and it is mainly due to an extra x- chromosome, which is an abnormal thing. Chromosomes are described to have a rod like kind of structure and are normally present in the cellular nucleus found in the person’s body.

It is where the genetic information is stored. Females are usually the only ones affected by this kind of disease syndrome. It is usually the result of the formation of the father’s sperm cell or the mother’s egg cell. It is caused by an error upon the embryo’s developmental stage. It is a rare genetic problem occurrence, which occurs in approximately 1 in every 1,000 of the female population. It is not easily diagnosed until reaching later in life.

Triple X Syndrome

Triple X Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Female persons, who have been diagnosed with triple x syndrome, manifest the following signs and signs and symptoms:

  • Tall stature
  • Epicanthal fold or to vertical skin folds that may cover the eyes’ inner corners
  • Weak muscle tone
  • Delayed development of motor skills such as language and speech
  • Learning difficulties like dyslexia
  • Proportionately smaller head size or microcephaly
  • Introvert
  • Enamel Hypoplasia
  • Kyphosis
  • Small mandible
  • Low weight in comparison with their height
  • Lordosis
  • Mental retardation
  • Ovarian failure
  • Posteriorly rotated ears
  • Weak muscle tone
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Having difficulty with interpersonal relationships
  • Infertility
  • Increased width between the persons eyes
  • The signs and symptoms mentioned above, varies from one person to another.
Triple X Syndrome symptoms

Triple X Syndrome Causes & Risk Factors

The genes are a basic part of the person’s whole existence, it is the one who decides its environmental behavior, how it survives and what the entire human is like. It will decide your physical features, your disease, your passions, and your gender. The genes are found in the DNA which is also called as the human chromosomes.

Normally, a person has 23 chromosomal pair or otherwise known as the sex chromosomes which will have the final say of what the person gender would be. Female babies usually have XX chromosome pair while Male babies have XY chromosome pairs. Both babies’ mother and the father contribute to the chromosomal pair and to their gender. The father can contribute the X or Y chromosome while the mother can only contribute the X chromosome. Babies or individual persons who have the triple x syndrome it may be due to:

  1. Mosaic form of triple x syndrome or there is an error in the embryo development. The error happens after the egg and the sperm is fertilized and before the development of the embryo.
  2. Nondisjunction or either the mother’s egg or the father’s sperm was not properly formed. It occurs in the sperm cell or egg cell production, wherein there is a cellular division error which occurs randomly.

One must take note that this kind of disease syndrome is not due to an inherited condition. It happens in the rarest occurrence. And it only happens with females. As mentioned, another name for this disease syndrome is 47, XXX syndrome due to the fact that the person has an extra X chromosome which resulted to the 47 chromosomes, which should be normally 46 chromosomes.

Triple X Syndrome Diagnosis

The triple x syndrome is usually diagnosed before the delivery of the baby and it is dune through:

  • CVS or Chorionic Villus Sampling – It is a diagnostic test that is done between the 8th and 10th week of the pregnancy period. What happens in this diagnostic test is that the baby’s tissue is taken from his or her placenta’s villi and will be examined further to test for either positivity of this kind of disease syndrome.
  • Amniocentesis – What happens here is that the amniotic fluid, where the baby, embryo or fetus floats, is collected and further examined.
  • Blood Test – This is done if the physician notices, upon physical assessment, physical developmental delays.
  • Genetic testing called Karyotyping – This is done to detect if really the female person has the extra X chromosome.

Triple X Syndrome Treatment

The treatment, which is usually based on the person’s symptoms, with female persons that have the triple x syndrome, will depend on the needs of the female person such as:

  • Physical therapy
  • Developmental therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Psychological therapy or counseling
  • Supportive therapy

Triple X Syndrome Prognosis

The prognosis of persons diagnosed with triple x syndrome is good if they have parents who support them and love them unconditionally. In addition to that, compared to other genetic conditions or problems, the triple x syndrome is a manageable disease condition which is why the person has a good prognosis.

They have normal life expectancy. They often have to undergo speech therapy or acquire additional help from professional health workers to help them complete their academic stages. If some female are living as normal as possible wherein they are able to have their own families, they marry and some join the work force, still some females who have this disease syndrome have difficulty dealing with other persons.

Triple X Syndrome Complications

Female who were diagnosed with triple x syndrome leads to learning difficulties and delayed development which will lead to numerous issues such as stress, academic problems, poor socialization which leads to social isolation. Other complications include:

  • Seizure – Girls of female babies with this syndrome are typical to develop seizure disorder.
  • Kidney abnormalities – Females having this syndrome may have one kidney or abnormal development of their kidneys.
  • Premature ovarian failure or abnormalities in the ovaries – The female babies or women who have this disease syndrome may experience that their ovaries have halted working before menopausal stage which leads to the decrease hormonal production and ovulation proper doesn’t occur anymore which can cause infertility. Also, some of the women having this disease syndrome have malformation of their ovaries.

49 thoughts on “Triple X Syndrome – Symptoms, Pictures, Treatment, Life Expectancy

  • 16/08/2013 at 2:54 PM

    I am a mother of xxx chromosomes I am looking for a treatment for my daughter she has poor academic results how could I help her thank you

    • 22/02/2015 at 9:33 AM

      I have triple X syndrome and honestly there is no treatment you simply have to embrace all the things that come along with it and target them individually. Like poor academic success for example. Treat her as an any other child struggling with school.

    • 19/10/2016 at 2:28 PM

      Just get the right help and she’ll be fine finding the proper schools and all I was born with it as well mine in this case wasn’t detected early they just told my mother that I was going to be born differently I found out after high school it just sucks cause I went through hell im still struggling with problems but I keep positive

  • 24/02/2014 at 10:55 PM

    I have triple xxx syndrome and ive had speech therspy when i was younger and i have mild epilepsy and learning difficultes and autism and i am tall in height but other then that i think to myself as normal even tho no other people im not x

  • 24/02/2014 at 11:01 PM

    What you can do is take your daughter to a speacil needs school and the school will help her also you should find other familys who have a child or person with this condition and they will share there experiences with you so you can feel like you have a support group in case your worried about anything hope this helps x 🙂

    • 21/06/2018 at 1:04 AM

      I have trisomy X- and I went to The Rectory School- my family didn’t know that I had this until I was in my late 30s. The Rectory School taught me skills I use to this day. Very Grateful to have attended.

  • 08/06/2014 at 3:08 AM

    Hi, I am an assistant in kindergarten and I am looking after a girl with triple xxx syndrome. In Slovakia is this diagnose rary so even her mother doesn´t know what to do with her. She is 3 zears old – not talking, not potty trained, she is not able to sit still, just walking around a classroom and throwing toys on floor. Can you help me and let me know how to deal with her? I promised her mum to find some answers on the internet. What can I do to educate her? Thanks a lot.

    • 23/12/2014 at 1:53 AM

      My daughter was the same not talking, slow in development, did not give hugs. I had to wait for her to come to me , instead of me crowding her. And repetition, repetition with everything. Hygiene, social skills, academics below 67 cognition, I have found that she loved the movement of icons and the ds lite made stimulate move for her in fifth grade, maybe I should have tried that earlier. She didn’t have verbal, hands on, visional way of learning til then. She loves art very good at color and design, singing, music. She loves to bake. I had to focus on what she could do and learning R x helped with confidence, counseling and physical therapy with social skills has been all threw school so far. She tends to mimic others and very forward, she has had to be monitored during her 8,9, 10th year to keep her verbal thoughts from being a danger. Birth control earlier at 15. She is now 17 and half and has always had an independence about her, that I try not to take that from her. OH- I forgot for us she started out boyish, but we did ballet and cheer to move her towards the girlish ways. That may have been her own charter but it helped with her hips and slinky move. I used to tease her (swing those hips and think happy thoughts- she has a anger look about her most of the time.) Not one case is the same hope this helps. God Bless

    • 08/12/2017 at 7:27 AM

      It sounds like this child is autistic may she should get tested for that as well.

    • 07/01/2018 at 6:09 AM

      She requires a lot of love to train her everything in life.

  • 19/03/2016 at 9:17 PM

    My teenage daughter is triple-x and the manifestation is not really noticeable. She is tall, but not off the charts. Her hands and feet are small, but not something you notice right away. She is somewhat clumsy. She is average or better at school depending on the subject and her interest.

    She is very good at art and music and any kind of craft. She has mild anxiety, but incredibly good social skills.

  • 08/04/2016 at 10:52 AM

    My 22 year old daughter was diagnosed at 7. It’s been very challenging to be patient with everything. But now, unfortunately, she has been displaying very strong emotional problems for the past 3 months. I’ve never experienced anything like it. She’s 22 acting like 16. Slamming doors, banging on the wall. It’s really terrible. She has never had medication for Triple X but next Tuesday talking to the doc about it at her appt. She has an appt Sunday with a counselor which I’m hoping and praying will help with the situation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

    • 28/04/2016 at 4:21 PM

      Am 16 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately dna scan found my baby is 47 xxx. Confuse if should continue with the pregnancy. We tried 5 years before success with ivf. Any advise…

      • 26/05/2016 at 11:44 AM

        I am a 47xxx. I found out that I have this problem in my 44yo. I checked my chromosomes because I had multiple miscarriages. I was born in Europe, in a poor socialist country, where the last thing to do or to think about it is to check the chromosomes. As per my family I was a very good kid, I was first in class, I finished my master degree in Italy, Rome. I am speaking 4 languages, I am having friends, just one happy marriage but no children, maybe because my genetic abnormalities….who knows??? In my case I think that having 47xxx it’s a plus. So, give a chance. Give a chance to someone like me maybe. If you want to discuss more about it, my email is God be with you and with your baby. Good luck.

      • 27/06/2016 at 3:42 PM

        My daughter was diagnosed with xxx syndrome at 10 months old. She also has mild scoliosis. She has struggled at school but she is resilient, respectful, loving, energetic and to us perfect in every way. She is going for her black belt in rhee tae kwondo. She is crafty and in year 11 at school. You have a very special little one just waiting to stamp their beautiful mark on this sometimes ordinary world. Your child is destined for remarkable things just like our Denna. Lucky you. Xxx

      • 11/07/2016 at 8:50 AM

        My daughter is 18 yrs old & just diagnosed with triple x due to ovarian failure. Otherwise she is completely normal, we never had a clue. Honors student & is going to college with a good scholarship. Passed her AP Calculus exam with the highest possible score! Don’t terminate your pregnancy.

      • 23/09/2016 at 9:23 PM

        Hi there, just wondering if you continued with your pregnancy. I wish I had seen this page sooner, my baby has Triple xxx and she is fantastic!

        • 10/05/2017 at 2:10 AM

          I have a lot of questions about tripple x please inform me

      • 12/11/2016 at 1:33 PM

        My daughter with XXX is about to be 18 and the joy of my life. She has her difficulties. Very shy, learning disability in reading and math reasoning, behavioral challenges, temper tantrums, low frustration tolerance. and more . BUT she is beautiful, funny, witty, tall, smart, love her to death. She is wise beyond her years. very kind and compassionate. No problems with boys drugs etc. She’s going to be a paramedic. With special ed support she has done well at school. She also has therapy which is a huge help for her. I am a middle school teacher and for sure she is right in the normal range. I was old when I had her, 46. I knew I would never have another child. I haven’t regretted my decision for a second. good luck with your decision.

      • 25/02/2017 at 12:20 AM

        I had an amnio during my pregnancy because of advanced maternal age and my daughter was found to be XXX. Chose to continue with pregnancy. Daughter is now 8y/o in third grade is shy but is one of the top in her class. Normal development, active, does Girl Scouts and plays piano. Tall and with flat feet but otherwise no issues. Everyone is different so it is a personal decision. Hope this helps.

        • 07/05/2018 at 11:11 AM

          Did they tell you when you did the Amnio test if it was mosaic or not?
          I have scheduled the Amnio test this week because they found out that I might have a 47x girl in the blood test and I’m so nervous about it!!
          I want to know what details does the Amnio test tell ,can you please tell me more details about the test results

      • 02/07/2018 at 6:18 PM

        My grand daughter has triple x syndrome and she is the loveliest little girl I know. My son and his wife knew at 14 weeks their little girl had this. They went through many emotions not knowing what to do. They decided to proceed and we all can’t imagine life without her now. She’s gorgeous. Doesnt have a lot of problems at all. She’s 8 goes to main stream school and socialises with all the other kids. If we didn’t already know she had it you couldn’t tell.

      • 08/07/2018 at 1:52 AM

        Please consider the fact that it took so long for you to get pregnant. My daughter and I went crazy last year. We researched everything, she lost a baby stillborn 7 years ago. She gave birth 8 months ago to a beautiful babygirl who is meeting all her milestones. I realy mean no physical or emotional problems so far. Have your angel that GOD gave to you.

      • 21/01/2019 at 10:34 AM

        You will love this child with all your heart. My granddaughter is Triple x and the light of my life. She has delays, and always will, but she has love ,happiness and a wonderful family to support her….

    • 21/06/2016 at 2:01 AM

      Liz I have a 23 year old daughter with trisomy X. Academics, speech and social behavior have been her biggest issues but not all. It wasn’t discovered until the age of 16 after problems with anesthesia. Her violence got worse as she got older to the point of various calls to the police. We did counseling for years which somewhat helped but we ended up turning to medication. She is much better with the medication and there is no more violence and she is very happy. Through the support of our family she has survived her parents difficult divorce and she just graduated college. Keep the faith..

    • 19/10/2016 at 2:46 PM

      Hi there i’m 27 years old medication don’t give her medication I find that doing a little bit of yoga helps even doing differently activities I’m going to leave my email address here if anyone has questions or need some advice be free and email me

  • 28/04/2016 at 4:17 PM

    Am 16 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately dna scan found my baby is 47 xxx. Confuse if should continue with the pregnancy. We tried 5 years before success with ivf. Any advise…

    • 05/06/2016 at 10:15 AM

      Dear Eli,
      I hope you read carefully before you considered terminating your pregnancy….. Im not sure what type of DNA scan you had but if you read the info out there most are not 100% accurate and also there is not much info on triple x out there but most of the information and personal testimonys have put me at ease… my opinion It is worth taking a chance with your precious little life that you have been patiently awaiting…. In most cases there are little to no symptoms…… You have to remember that. i have been given the same news as you about my baby girl in vitro …. I have 4 sons and the initial news of having a baby girl sent me over the moon….. Im 40yrs old and was supposedly finished having babies until this little surprise….. And yesterday to my dismay my OB called me to share with me the results of my NIPT scan….. And i have been questioning this pregnancy as you have …. But After reading as much as i can i am starting to realize that it is way worth the chance…. The chance of having a perfectly fine baby girl is much greater than having a child that displays even the most severe symptoms of this syndrome and even at that we should still count ourselves blessed…. Especially after reading the personal testimonys of the woman that actually have the genetic anomaly themselves, those with and without symptoms…good luck with your decision…. No judgement here…..

      • 26/06/2016 at 8:41 AM

        You said it best! I’m one of those with this syndrome and literally never knew. I’ve always been smart, look normal, etc. only found out because I had several miscarriages and had genetic testing. I have 3 boys that are normal. 2 are even extremely smart. DO NOT TERMINATE!

    • 26/06/2016 at 8:26 AM

      Keep going, I have it, have absolutely no issues, look normal and have always been smart. Only reason I found out I had it was I got genetic testing due to miscarriages. But I have 3 healthy boys and am completely normal. That’s why it makes me really mad that anyone would consider abortion with my “syndrome”. I think most people with this don’t even know it. Maybe there are extreme cases with issues, but probably most do not. If you really want a child, don’t kill him/her because you don’t think they’ll be “perfect”.

  • 11/07/2016 at 7:00 AM

    I have a twenty one year old with this. I found out while pregnant ( I was 40). She’s 5’9 and beautiful. Unfortunately I divorced her dad at age three which might have been a trigger because I believe a stable and loving environment is key. Her father does not believe any of her issues are a product of having XXX syndrome which gave me little support. From age 7 forward there have been issues with behavior. We’ve gone through a lot of counseling but she will not communicate with them. She has always had issues with reading comprehension but excels in math and science. Social skills have been a challenge for her because she’s immature for her age versus her same age peers. Most of her friends are a few years younger. Under stress she gets very combative. Slamming doors throwing things. We’ve tried meds but she will not take on a regular basis. i think each child is different with this as with all children are different. You deal with it the best you can and hope for the best and continue to love them.

  • 22/10/2016 at 7:14 PM

    If any of you had trisomy X like I do where it affects you bad you would not be saying have a baby that a scan shows it to have it, though any one who had done research would know you can’t tell by a scan you have to have a special test where they put a needle into your stomach and into the sack the baby is in and they take a sample. I’ve done all my learning on it and because it affects me and I’ve been on the end of how mean kids were to me knowing I may and most likely will pass it on I’m not having children so they do not suffer like me, there was no helping me. I’m on a disability pension as I can’t work, my brain doesn’t pick up things like it should. I went from year two til year 8 in high school with out being able to read and write before a teacher picked it up. I’m still learning basic English. Also my high school certificate said “unable to wrap head around basic things if you can’t read and write how can you expect to pass”. People don’t understand you when you have it. You guys have no idea. None at all.

    • 18/11/2016 at 1:19 AM

      I am legal guardian of my 17 yr. old granddaughter who was diagnosed with Triple X a few months ago. She was always slow at accomplishing things for her age(very immature). At age 10 she started having severe Grande mal seizures. The doctors did not know why so classified them as Epilepsy. I knew that was not right you don’t start having seizures for no reason. Seven years go by and she is having all these problems. I now understand with XXX some of the questions have been answered. She still has seizures, tall skinny body frame, all her joints are loose from weak muscles, problems with her eyes, Psychological behavior learning disabilities, temper outburst, and anxiety. She has to have her heart and kidneys monitored for failure. She is unable to attend school because of the medication she takes for her seizures and anxiety makes her want to sleep all the time. She is very depressed and has social problems being around strangers. Does not get along with others easily. With all the problems she feels her quality of life really sucks, she just wants to be a normal teenager. I will LOVE and care for her as long as she needs me unconditionally

      • 08/03/2017 at 3:20 AM

        Hi. May I know what’s wrong with her eyes?

        Hope are are fine with her!

    • 12/12/2016 at 10:29 AM

      Good bless you
      How tall are you?

    • 30/01/2017 at 9:13 PM

      I know it’s terribly hard on you, I have a daughter with it who’ll be 18 in 5 months and kids can be so cruel! My heart goes out to you as it does to my daughter… I want to wrap her up and protect her from the world but I can’t , so I have to get her as ready as I can, so she can have a life on her own, which is what she wants!! But my daughter at 3 looked like she was 1 she was very tiny, she’s 5′ 3 talked but had to put her in speech therapy, she could tear a room apart in a heartbeat , her anger out of control and still is!! I divorced her father when she was 2 and didn’t know till she was 8 that he was meantly and physically abusing her which with Triple x was the worst thing he could do to her so it encreased her problems drastically!! I packed my daughter up and put 800 miles between her father and us and have been raising her by myself it’s very difficult at times with me having MS but I love my daughter to the moon and back again and knowing everything I’ve been through with her, police, hospital baker acted abused by her I wouldn’t change a thing except I would have put those 800 miles at 2 years old than much later and maybe things would have been so very different for my beautiful baby girl… she doesn’t want kids either!! I wish you the best ~V

  • 16/02/2017 at 5:08 PM

    My son has triple x and eh as fits and is very shy there seems to be load for a women but not a man or boy can anyone help so I can find out more

  • 18/02/2017 at 5:56 PM

    Remember that some triple x females can go undetected because symptoms vary. My daughter is in college, and her Triple X was discovered during an amnio test during my pregnancy (I was 37 when I delivered her), so it is most likely my “old” eggs that caused it. I was worried when I read about the syndrome, but sometimes what appears to be a difficulty, turns out to be a gift. She appears physically and socially “normal”, in fact, she is tall, slender, (which considered good things in our society!) and beautiful, often stopped and asked if she is a model. (I suspect that many of the tall, slender, small-boned models you see in the media are also triple x.) She is currently a Division 1 volleyball player at a prestigious university, earned a scholarship. She does have learning disabilities, but with tutoring she does very well in school. She graduated with honors from high school with hard work and determination – which I believe built her character- she is tough, determined and not afraid of hard work to accomplish what she wants. I have never responded on blogs, but I believe it is important for other parents to know that Triple X syndrome symptoms vary, and your daughter can be successful in life.

    • 22/05/2017 at 11:56 PM

      Ohh that is good news
      I have a 2yr old only recently diagnoses with xxx syndrome.
      It took us a proper convinsing drs to carry out this test
      She has no speech .. says mama but not sure she understands the meaning
      Do xxx children ever speak at early stage .? We due to start speech and language therapy and i dont want to give up

    • 17/10/2018 at 5:57 AM

      I have a 13 year old daughter with Triple X and she is also tall and slender and always told she should try modeling, though I always consider her beautiful caring nature her finest asset, true she has struggled at school but with tutoring and speech therapy in her early development she is doing well.I also have a 24 year old son born with no medical conditions and he also needed tutoring so I ask myself about Triple X being put under the microscope? and I feel no child comes without the ups and downs no matter what, I too don’t often comment on blogs but it felt great sharing and reading about our gorgeous girls.👌🏻

  • 12/03/2017 at 9:57 AM

    Hi, this all comes to a shock to me. I was born with this but never knew until I had genetic testing done, only because I became pregnant at age 34. I have no symptoms at all . I am petite well proportioned , spoke before I could walk . Good at school, very social. Leading a normal life. Married, have a son. Working right after highschool, healthy, no problems with anything. Life is good . Everyone says I am awesome, I get along with everyone, very outspoken, I was a little shy as a child , but a lot of kids are. Alot of my family were as kids and they had nothing wrong with them. The doctors said my triple x stayed dormat. And sometimes that happens. I don’t think anyone should abort for that diagnosis. My mom didn’t even know. I was a normal kid all my life. I was a beautiful baby. I think I am quite attractive and had no trouble with men. Just take everything with a grain of salt And let the chips fall where they may. Life is too short, to be worried about this stuff. It could be worse.

  • 08/05/2017 at 10:02 AM

    Decision to terminate or continue the pregnancy is up to the parents, and they need to be well informed before they take a decision. Early scientific literature tends to be very pessimistic, mainly because studies were conducted on small samples, and not necessary representative of the whole population of 47,XXX. In most studies, women in the 47,XXX group were initially diagnosed due to the presence of mild to severe symptoms and compare to 46,XX. There is an obvious scientific bias as asymptomatic 47,XXX are mainly ignored in the calculations of risk. It is assumed that up to 90 % of the 47,XXX-females are not diagnosed, and if we assume that those 90 % were not diagnosed because they have no or very light symptoms, we can then consider that the risk presented in those paper can be divided by 10. However assuming that 90 % of 47,XXX female are not diagnosed, and assume that the majority of them have no symptoms is pure speculation. It is very possible that a significant proportion of undiagnosed 47,XXX female are also facing several health and mental difficulties due to extra X, but those difficulties were not related to the 47,XXX syndrome. Chromosomes screening is not the most common answer when somebody is facing health or mental issues, it is even rare, so being undiagnosed is not a proof of being asymptomatic, and by consequence, the (involuntary) exclusion of undiagnosed 47,XXX females of most studies does not necessary mean that occurrence of symptoms is much lower. Medical corps and governments are today giving a very optimistic prognostic to parents concerned by a diagnostic during pregnancy, we all want to believe there will be no, or almost no issues for the little girls who will live with the syndrome, unfortunately there is still no scientific evidence to support this optimism.

  • 23/05/2017 at 12:01 AM

    Please any info is welcome .. my 2 year old recently diagnosed with xxx syndrome …
    No speech or communication . Says mama but not sure she is away she is saying it or meaning. Says it out of context… when so they ever speak .. we are due to start speech and language therapy

  • 01/11/2017 at 11:59 PM

    Our daughter, 11 years, is a triple xxx girl … with all known symptoms … but also suffers of occasional epileptic syndroms, i.e. she fell off consciousness for up to two hours. We do treat her with Lamotrigin 200 mg … and banned the epileptic syndroms. While this might be “quick-fix” for the obvious symption is to my mind does not truly address the root cause – namel Has anybody an idea whether a endocrinological treatment / hormone therapy (e.g. dosis estrogene) has been successfully tested to ban epilectic syndroms in conjunction with triple xxx? Many thanks in advance!

  • 26/03/2019 at 7:29 AM

    My 9 year old was diagnosed before she was born. She was late to walk and talk. She received therapy and is now receiving counseling. She often has violent outburst at home and at school. she takes medication but it has not worked thus far. Her school has been very understanding and patient with her but fear that their patience is running out. She is very disruptive in class, her attention span is very short and sometimes her outburst are violent. She is very far behind. Anyone know of any special need schools in KENTUCKY. Please and thank you.ST


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